Solid colors only for all items except for approved Lands End plaid
Required for Hybrid days – Farmington Hills – Tues & Thurs
For ALL Grades (exceptions noted)
- Short or long-sleeve shirt with collar – white, light blue, dark red (burgandy optional)- must be worn tucked in
- Navy pants or shorts. Twill/khaki type fabric. No denim or athletic material. (Belts are not required.)
- Navy skirt or skort or plaid skirt (Lands End CLASSIC NAVY PLAID)
- Navy or plaid jumper (Lands End CLASSIC NAVY PLAID)
- Navy polo dress short or long sleeve
- Navy or dark gray cheer shorts, leggings, or tights must be worn under skirts, jumpers, or dresses
- All shorts, skirts, jumpers, and dresses must be student’s fingertip length or longer
- Navy, dark red (burgundy optional), or medium-gray vest, sweater, or fleece if desired (no hoods or sweatshirts)
- Navy, medium-gray, or white socks
- Any color closed-toe shoes or tennis shoes, no heeled shoes. No boots. (6th-8th grade may have up to 1 in heel)
- No logos or images on clothing other than the RHA logo available through Land’s End
- No Denim
- Dark Red can be found at Old Navy (Crimson Cranberry); Gap (Red Delicious); Children’s Place (Redwood)
- For family cost savings, uniforms meeting the above requirements may be purchased through the family’s preferred store or vendor. Land’s End has a Renaissance Academy account for easy ordering.